LL minna á áhugaverða námsstefnu um stjórnarhætti 14. maí nk.

LL minna á áhugaverða námsstefnu um stjórnarhætti 14. maí nk.

Námsstefna um stjórnarhætti 14. maí 

Dagskráin í heild sinni:

08.00 – 08.30 Húsið opnar – morgunhressing

08.30 – 8.35 Opnun ráðstefnunnar Danielle Pamela Neben og Helga Hlín Hákonardóttir

08.35 – 09.05 Ávarp Þórey S. Þórðardóttir, Framkvæmdastjóri Landssamtaka lífeyrissjóða Jón Þór Sturluson, aðstoðarforstjóri Fjármálaeftirlitsins

09:05 – 10:30 Session 1: Corporate Governance Framework • How Canada avoided the Financial Crisis • Comparative analysis of Icelandic and Canadian governance framework • Shaping the regulatory environment • Board and Directors duties, effectiveness (from the regulators’ lens) • Corporate Governance reporting Hari Panday, CEO PanVest, Chairman Pro-Demnity and Vice Chairman Tarion Corporation

10.30 – 10.45 Kaffihlé

10.45 – 12.30 Session 2: Canadian Pension Sector • Why the Canadian pension model is recognised as world class • Role of the pension funds and regulators for long-term value and sustained growth • Stakeholder expectations to transparency and disclosure • Bringing governance policies to life • Example: Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Randy Bauslaugh, Partner McCarthy Tétrault

12.30 – 13.30 Hádegisverður

13.30 – 14.00

Hvernig stjórnarhættir hafa þróast hjá Gilda Harpa Ólafsdóttir, Formaður stjórnar lífeyrissjóðsins Gildis

14.00 – 15.00 Session 3: Investment policies and duties of the Boards of the Investees • Managing Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) and responsible investing • Collaborative nature of investing locally and internationally • Governance policy to trustee and plan administor‘s fiduciary duty • Pension plan management issues Randy Bauslaugh, Partner McCarthy Tétrault

15.00 – 15.10 Kaffihlé

15.10 – 15.50 Session 4: Hot topics in Canada and generating long-term value
• Cybersecurity, privacy and data breaches, speed of regulatory change, diversity, trust, transparency and sexual harassment allegations • Effects of international laws even when you don’t have a footprint in a country • Demand on boards by shareholders and stakeholders to generate long-term value
Hari Panday, CEO PanVest, Chairman Pro-Demnity and Vice Chairman Tarion Corporation

15.50 – 16.00 Summary Danielle Pamela Neben Helga Hlín Hákonardóttir

16.00 - Cocktail Hosted by Anne-Tamara Lorre, Ambassador of Canada to Iceland


Hari Panday, President and CEO PanVest Capital Corporation, Toronto Hari Panday is a seasoned financial services executive and a senior independent corporate director with experience in diverse industires banking, investment industry, private and capital markets and non-profit sectors in Canada and the USA. His career spreads over 35 years in senior roles with ICICI Bank Canada and ICICI Wealth Management Inc. (as the founding President & CEO and a member of the boards), ICICI Securities (USA), HSBC Bank Canada, Bank of Montreal and PriceWaterhouse Coopers. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of ProDemnity Insurance Company and Vice Chairman of Tarion Warranty Corporation. Most recently, he was on the boards of ICICI Bank Canada, ICICI Securities (USA), Avalon Rare Metals Inc. and the Canadian National Stock Exchange (CNSX - now CSE). He is an examiner for the ICD.D designation. Further, Mr. Panday teaches corporate governance in York University’s Masters, Corporate Governance & Financial Accountability (MFAc) program.

Harpa Ólafsdóttir.  Harpa lauk prófi í hagfræði frá Georg-August Univ. í Þýskalandi og síðar MBA frá Háskóla Ísland. Hún hefur setið í stjórn Gildis-lífeyrissjóðs frá apríl 2011 sem formaður og varaformaður. Þá hefur Harpa setið í stjórn Landssamtaka lífeyrissjóða frá 2016. Hún starfaði sem forstöðumaður kjaramálasviðs hjá Eflingu í 15 ár eða til ársins 2018 og hefur hún setið í ýmsum nefndum fyrir hönd Eflingar og Alþýðusambands Íslands og kom Harpa meðal annars að gerð Jafnlaunastaðalsins.

Randy Bauslaugh. Partner, McCarthy Tétrault, Toronto - one of the largest law firms in Canada Randy leads McCarthy Tétrault's National Pensions, Benefits & Executive Compensation practice. His clients include public and private companies, appointed administrators of wound-up plans, financial institutions, joint boards of trustees, and Canadian and foreign governments. Mr. Bauslaugh has advised the Government of Ontario, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut on pension policy and legislation and the governments of Bermuda, Jamaica, and India on public pension issues and pension standards. He has experience in advising on plan governance, design, mergers, restructurings and conversions, surplus repatriation, and deficit management. He is presently counsel to the administrator of the Canadian Nortel